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Dealing with a Snake Infestation in Your Home

Apr 30, 2024

Discovering a snake infestation in your home can be a terrifying experience. The mere thought of sharing your living space with these slithery creatures can send shivers down your spine. However, it's important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to address the issue promptly. In this blog post, we will discuss why you may have a snake infestation, how to determine the severity of the problem, the negative consequences of having snakes in your home, whether or not you should hire a professional pest control specialist, and how to prevent the issue from recurring.

Why Do You Have Snakes In Your Yard?

Snakes are attracted to homes for various reasons, and one of them is that they are seeking shelter and food sources. If your property has an abundance of rodents or insects, snakes may be drawn to your home as they prey on these creatures. Additionally, snakes may also be seeking out warmth during colder months, which could lead them indoors through small cracks or crevices in your foundation or walls.

How Can You Tell How Severe Your Snake Infestation Is?

There are several indicators that can help you determine the severity of your snake infestation. You may just have a few snakes on your property, or you may have a whole nest of breeding snakes claiming your property for their own. Look for shed skin, droppings, or tracks around your property, as these are signs that snakes may be present. You may also notice an increase in rodent or insect activity as snakes hunt these creatures and chase them out of their nests. Some snakes release a musk (such as kingsnakes, corn snakes, and rat snakes), that you can smell if you are closer to a nest. In more severe cases, you may actually spot a snake slithering around or inside your home.

How Is A Snake Infestation In Your Home Bad?

Many people fear snakes, which can cause immense stress and anxiety when sharing living quarters with them. Some species of snakes are venomous, and their bites can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. Additionally, snakes can damage property by nesting in hard-to-reach areas such as walls, basements, crawlspaces, or attics.

Should You Hire A Professional Pest Control Specialist To Get Rid Of Snakes?

While there are DIY methods available for removing snakes from your property, it is highly recommended that you hire a professional pest control specialist to handle your snake problem. These experts have the knowledge and experience needed to safely and effectively remove snakes from your home without harming the animals or yourself. They will also be able to identify any entry points that need to be sealed to prevent future infestations.

How Can You Keep Your Snake Problem From Returning?

To prevent snakes from returning to your home, it's important to eliminate their food sources by keeping rodents and insects at bay. Seal any cracks or crevices in your foundation or walls that could serve as entry points for snakes. Keep grass and vegetation trimmed around your property, as overgrown areas provide ample hiding spots for these creatures. Lastly, consider installing deterrents such as motion-activated sprinklers or sonic devices that emit vibrations that repel snakes.

Dealing with a snake infestation in your home can be a daunting task, but taking proactive measures can help you address the issue effectively. By understanding why snakes are attracted to homes, determining the severity of the infestation, recognizing the risks associated with having them indoors, hiring professional assistance for removal, and implementing preventive measures, you can keep these unwanted guests at bay. Remember that safety should always come first when dealing with wildlife intruders in your living space. Call our team of pest removal specialists at SafeGUARD Termite & Pest Control today.

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